Get in Nietzsche
‘Get in Nietzsche’ is a poem from Mary Craigg that bends the idea from FRAMED! to look at the ‘art’ of nihilism (with a touch of irony).
In the middle of the exhibition Edwin realised that they, and the artist, shared a connection. Standing at the Olive Grove, Edwin’s emotions took over – regarding the beauty of the thick brush strokes, and the sadness imbued.
Group painting
A competitive nature and frustration with falling behind leap onto the canvas of this new poem from Chris White.
E4E (she’s so masc)
Boundaries of masculinity and femininity, domesticity and disarray blend in this poem of friendship.
Sons of Salacia
Hold the hand of the one you love and stare God in the face at the end of the world.
Concrete facades crumble, vines reach out and roots find purchase in the breaks between harold’s stanzas.
your shame
Overcoming your own shame is hard enough, but how long can we shoulder someone else’s?
The measurable attributes of life. Substance and existence. A fleck in time and space.
the death of me
Death makes its presence known, arriving in a mood or a state. Unpredictable and unkind.
“How to capture in words the way you look with your head thrown back onto the pillow & the sun streaming in through the window the morning after the orgy …”
Action potential
“I woke up from a very sweet—but also wildly revealing—dream with a gah in my larynx. Dreams, non-lexical utterances and brain analogies seem to be my primary modes of expression/discernment at the moment, especially when it comes to love. I’d rather just kiss them.”