Tag: friendship

  • At the time, pure agony

    At the time, pure agony

    Brooke Soulsby recalls an instance of great confusion between romantic and platonic feelings. Possibly a consequence of reading too many problematic YA romance plots from the early 2010s? She is grateful for a fully formed prefrontal cortex.

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  • 16 years strong

    16 years strong

    A poem is a response to a portrait Chris Girven’s friend drew of them, illustrating he safety and harmony of an enduring friendship, and how beautiful you can feel through the eyes of someone you love.

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  • E4E (she’s so masc)

    E4E (she’s so masc)

    Boundaries of masculinity and femininity, domesticity and disarray blend in this poem of friendship.

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  • awake


    Find love in all the nooks and crannies of your friendships. Soak in that love like it’s the first rays of sun after an especially long and cold winter.

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  • High Five

    High Five

    Up high, down low—too slow! Beware the giant hands, warns Nicola Andrews in this frenetic new poem.

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In a dream, you saw a way to survive, and you were filled with joy.


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