The Creature — An Interview with Jake Tabata
Off the back of the release of new queer web series ‘The Creature’, Nuanzhi Zheng sits down with creator Jake Tabata to chat about making it a reality.
XYZZY — A Response
bad apple Lead Editor Damien Levi tackles a review of a the psychedelic planetarium film work, ‘XYZZY’, at the Stardome. It may also be an excuse for a free date idea.
We Watched Morbius So That You Don’t Have To
Damien convinced Elliot to watch and review Morbius for Mighty Morbin’ Monday because he didn’t want to have to do it himself.
It’s Morbin’ Time
Rebecca reached out to bad apple about the possibility of publishing a poem titled “It’s Morbin’ Time” and this is the result.