In this poem, Larry McIntosh McMyler rolls his eyes and smiles wryly.
The Writers Festival
Perena Quinlivan writes of how creativity and the creative process can be crushed and sabotaged by a desire for consensus thinking.
Sunset, midnight, and the new dawn form the basis of three pieces of worship from Ted Greensmith-West for the ‘adjectives.’ collection inspired by the poems of Tracey Slaughter and Tusiata Avia.
All Laura Vincent knows how to do is write poems inspired by poets who drive, eat chip and not drive.
pray, animal
You can’t leave the farm without blood on your hands. Sometimes it’s your own.
what happened
A poem tumbles out of Amy Marguerite in the half-sleep of morning, when dreams still linger.
Like Walt Whitman, but Somehow Hornier
There is no way that Amanda Faye Martin is actually hornier than Walt Whitman (nobody is), but she’s still sort of in love with everything and so has offered this poem.
We Are Grownups
Responsibility shifts as youth gets left behind in this new poem by Rupe Nestor.