The Cyborg Manifucksto
Alexandra ‘Sascha’ Stronach isn’t saying she wants to fuck a roller coaster, she just gets it, okay? Hear her out.
Love Poetry (canal & cutis)
Meander Farrow writes about appearance, reaction, and truth in two love poems born from gazing at their partner across her gender transition.
Always Becominging finds all the rhymes (perfect and imperfect) for this contribution to ‘the bad apple mixtape’.
Gay god
Theo Coles writes of the world that has sunk its teeth in, of the heartbroken poets, of the peach, ocean blue and pink aliveness of a gay god.
Being both
For our ‘future ANCESTORS’ collection, Jo Bragg considers what it means to be someone standing in many different worlds.
KITTEN by Olive Nuttall
Those who get it, get it. In review of Olive Nuttall’s debut novel, ‘kitten’, kī anthony writes of trans experience. Somehow they also manage to reference ‘Haikyuu!’, Torrey Peters and ‘My Immortal’ along the way.
Killer Rack by Sylvan Spring
Jo Bragg sits down with bad apple contributor Sylvan Spring’s debut poetry collection ‘Killer Rack’ and lets us know whether this is one to read on repeat.
Folds (Do Trans People Dream of Non-Binary Sheep)
From Dorian David Leigh, “This poem is about the film Blade Runner. This poem is also about current rhetoric around trans people, and the attempts of public figures to provoke a moral panic. This poem is not about the film Blade Runner.”
starboy, or, luke skywalker is a gay transgender man and i know this because george lucas himself came to me in a vision
If you like taking favourite childhood science fiction movies and making them so unabashedly transgender that even C3PO would look away, this is the poem you’re looking for.
Charting an Interstellar Excursion to ‘Planet Intercourse‘ with Hybrid Rose.
In the lead up to dropping a brand new track, ‘Planet Intercourse’, bad apple contributor Devon Webb sits down with Hybrid Rose to discuss all things pop and powerful.
Putting On the Shirt Again: A Personal Account of the March for Trans Rights
For the Auckland Pride March for Trans Rights Sophie Jackson fishes through their drawers — there has to be a a shirt for the occasion. With ten years of protest at their back there are too many to choose from. For how many years will they have to keep pulling out shirts and taking to…