From Another Woman — A Response
Hannah Jamieson on ‘From Another Woman’, the newest theatrical offering from Sam Brooks featuring the compelling talent of Renaye Tamati.
Kaikaranga of My Dreams — A Response to ‘What Happened to Mary-Anne?”
Kitty Wasasala wants to follow Brady Peeti—the kaikaranga of their dreams— into a rock waiata future as they respond to ‘What Happened to Mary-Anne?’.
Ngā Reta — A Response
Elise Sadlier attends Basement Theatre’s first fully te reo Māori production, ‘Ngā Reta’. She writes in response to fellow Gizzy Girl / Te Wānanga Takiura tuakana Te Huamanuka Luiten-Apirana.
ANTi — A Response
Dani Kionasina wraps herself in the world of Keagan Carr Fransch through ‘ANTi’, a one-woman play exploring the layered elements of personhood.
A Short History of Asian New Zealand Theatre — A Response
In an attempt to distil some of the expansiveness that is Nathan Joe’s new theatre work ‘A Short History of Asian New Zealand Theatre’, Sherry Zhang pens this self-reflective response essay.
Fun Home — A Response
Liz Breslin drives 356km from Ōtepoti to Ōtautahi to experience the Court Theatre production of ‘Fun Home’ and then drives 356km home to write about it for us.
Only Bones – Daniel Nodder — A Response
In a new interpretation of Thom Monckton’s ‘Only Bones’ prompt, Daniel Nodder presents a work of physicality. Emily Draper writes of the thriving monster in this response.
Red, White and Brass: The Play — A Response
ASB Waterfront Theatre is transformed into Tonga’s number one supporter with its staging of ‘Red, White and Brass: The Play’. We sent Danielle Kionasina Dilys Thomson along and she reports back with her heart feeling full.
The world is so vast, so small and filled with the knowledge of those before us. From the moana to the whetū, in this long-form piece Liam Jacobson travels through these places to find the voices calling us home.
Hector — A Response
Hannah Patterson attends Cadence Chung’s sophomore play, ‘Hector’, where men carrying the name meet in unexpected ways.
A Reflection on Hector
In the lead up to the staging of her second play, ‘Hector’, Cadence Chung reflects on the process, the inspiration and creating art with their friends.