The world is so vast, so small and filled with the knowledge of those before us. From the moana to the whetū, in this long-form piece Liam Jacobson travels through these places to find the voices calling us home.
ScatterGun: After the Death of Rūaumoko — A Response to Ana Chaya Scotney
Liam Jacobson sits earthy, grounded, in Ana Chaya Scotney’s world of atua and tūpuna. They’re let in and the wairua flows and the grief floats up like bubbles in a muddy hot pool.
Live Live Cinema: Night of The Living Dead — A Response
Reviewer Jess Karamjeet braves ghouls in the night and a strangely empty Hollywood Avondale to bring us insight into Silo Theatre’s first production after a year of silence.
Silo Theatre’s ‘The Writer’ — A Review
Swallowed whole by Q Theatre’s Rangatira, Tate Fountain experiences the Silo Theatre premiere performance of Ella Hickson’s ‘The Writer’. Like a lady on fire, she paints a portrait of the evening.