Body Story — A Response
Nuanzhi Zheng stretches her response to Xin Ji’s ‘Body Story’ to consider queerness, Chinese identity, family and whether the body truly keeps the score.
In the Body — A Response
Theo Coles attend’s Redwood Reider’s ‘In the Body’ and spreads roots out into the queer soil of this poetic forest.
The Cyborg Manifucksto
Alexandra ‘Sascha’ Stronach isn’t saying she wants to fuck a roller coaster, she just gets it, okay? Hear her out.
To You, My Whānau, My Mokopuna
In a new addition to the future ANCESTORS kaupapa, Felix Stribling writes of feeling out of place as a Māori American and as a queer person.
Ngā Reta — A Response
Elise Sadlier attends Basement Theatre’s first fully te reo Māori production, ‘Ngā Reta’. She writes in response to fellow Gizzy Girl / Te Wānanga Takiura tuakana Te Huamanuka Luiten-Apirana.
A Slow Burlesque with Freya Silas Finch
Ahead of opening night this week, Tate Fountain sat down to interview Freya Silas Finch about their Silo Theatre production ‘A Slow Burlesque’.
Gay god
Theo Coles writes of the world that has sunk its teeth in, of the heartbroken poets, of the peach, ocean blue and pink aliveness of a gay god.
i wonder
Chris Girven wrote this poem after having an existential crisis on their bedroom floor.
How to Throw a Chinese Funeral — A Response
How does one write about being Chinese? Samantha Cheong reflects on identity through review of Jill Kwan’s ‘How to Throw a Chinese Funeral’.
Daddy Issues Have Never Looked So Good in ‘Losing Face’ — A Response
Jake Tabata gets stuck in a time loop of race, sexuality, love and fatherhood in his review of Nathan Joe’s new theatre show ‘Losing Face’.
Pikitia for Sad Tamariki
Time for a reo Māori lesson with Nicola Andrews. Kupu hou o te rā? Takatāpui.