Liv Parker’s Vampires, Werewolves and Harry Styles — A Review
In a whirlwind of nostalgia, Liv Parker transports reviewer Tate Fountain to the year 2010. Faced with a mirror reflection of her own teen years, Tate sums up the experience.
Janaye Henry’s Crush Season — A Review
It’s just (just) a little crush (crush). As part of the NZ International Comedy Festival, Tate Fountain went along to Janaye Henry’s ‘Crush Season’. Click through to find out if she came out with a crush.
Biter by Claudia Jardine
harold coutts is back to cut their teeth on the new collection of work ‘Biter’ from Claudia Jardine.
Tom Sainsbury’s ‘Gone Bananas’ — A Review
An outing to Tom Sainsbury’s latest comedy venture, ‘Gone Bananas’ isn’t as fruitful as Alex de Vries thought it would be. He shares his thoughts on unexpected slip-up.
James Mustapic’s ‘Into the Multi-Media-Verse — A Review
Dimensions shatter and worlds collide as the multiverse of Mustapics invades your local comedy venue. Katie Meadows reports back on what deep-cut NZ referential jokes these new versions of James have in store.
A Delusional Review of ‘Hi, Delusion!’
It starts with a bad date, and ends with a bloated body swinging from the rafters—is it a typical night out in Auckland, or is it Johanna Cosgrove’s new show Hi, Delusion!? Here’s Naomii Seah with a fresh review.
Hayley Sproull’s Ailments — A Review
“A dead kidney, a weak bladder, a full beard and a uterus shaped like the devil—Hayley Sproull’s body is a constant source of mild disappointment.”. In her NZ International Comedy Festival show, Hayley shares all this and more, so we sent along Tate Fountain to get the full list of Ailments.
That Champion Glow — A Review of ‘Champions’
What will you do to become a champion? $50,000 and a straight hot to stardom is on the line. Four hopefuls vying for the prize discover what it really takes to ‘make’ it in the art world that is ‘Champions’ by Isabella McDermott.
A Lack of Good Sons by Jake Arthur
harold coutts is back with their monthly book review. This month sees harold return to poetry with their attention grabbed by Jake Arthur’s ‘A Lack of Good Sons’, hooked, line and sinker.
Show Ponies — A Review
In an absolute marathon of reviewing, Tate Fountain tackles Auckland Pride x samesame but different’s premiere of Show Ponies in Tāmaki Makaurau. Glitz, glamour and poems galore. The energy is very correct.
The Teaches of Peaches Anniversary Tour — A Review
Back in Aotearoa with a lesson she teaches, damn right, it’s Peaches. Review Tate Fountain gets walked all over at the The Teaches of Peaches Anniversary Tour at Auckland’s Powerstation.