1.5 to 5mls

After Takashi Murakami’s My Lonesome Cowboy, 1998

I’ve roped you along,
again, to an art thing.
You’ve pretended to be disinterested
but we both know you like it more than you let on.

We’re both going in blind,
trusting the Mori to be worth our ¥1600
and that we’re not short-changed.

A 10-foot tall anime man with the Cloud Strife hair
and cum gutters just as pointed
stands erect in the middle of the room.
Fitting seeing as he’s encircled
by a lasso of his own fluids.

You’ve moved on already but I’m entranced,
bogged down by the sheer logistics of this self-guided spiral.
It’s Katara blood bending via ’98 Murakami otaku sexual fetishism
and the electrolytes alone to replenish this level of cum craft
gotta add up to at least two blue Powerades.

Although I don’t get it my Close Friends will eat it up
way more than the fake Eiffel outside.
A conversation kick off with travel clout
and a soft launch moment in the mix.

You point to something else that’s
caught your attention in the next room
and the grasp loosens.
I follow you across the threshold,
giving a parting glance
to the lonely

The artwork that inspired this piece is currently still under copyright, you can view it online here. The featured artwork in its place was commissioned by bad apple from Mickie Loof for the 2023 Phantom Billstickers National Poetry Day.


In a dream, you saw a way to survive, and you were filled with joy.

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