The poem is titled well fuck even from a distance i waited all my life for the samesamebutdifferent anniversary gala 2025 yesyesyes no i’m not joking

The poem is titled well fuck even from a distance i waited all my life for the samesamebutdifferent anniversary gala 2025 yesyesyes no i’m not joking

This is what it’s really like

I enjoy being a judgy bitch
I genuinely genuinely describe the state of the arts in cut and paste yes absolutely
I punch up

I used to believe in a lot of things and some
Of them were
Male suffering
A red wheelbarrow
A bunch of gay men with ennui

Ernest love
Logic of the three
This poem that i wrote
My PhD


Losing it losing it losing

Upwards not just outwards

Sound reverberates

Anyway	this is the pronunciation bit
Anyway the correct Polish word for it is
Anyway the closest I ever came to god was confusing

In the hospital he offered me a lollipop
But i guess some people are entitled to do whatever
Nun-fucking scenarios? Mortification of the flesh?

Yes yes

(Thank you Duolingo) (my mum didn’t teach me
Umms and ahhhs in a transcript

The wind made the chimes laugh and you’re allowed to laugh

You a screwball comedy
You spaniel
You a puppy
You no i’m not fictionalising this
you but i said no!

Is Helena the one who has the line about the spaniel?

That makes perfect sense but it’s funny to think that maybe it gets called love
Maybe felt more kinky which is how everyone feels

Breathing faster faster slower now faster faster slower now

Queen of the of the celebrating to come
Queen of the garden

There are many many hugegrowing weeds round the bush

Your girlfriend might that’s the thing even
From a distance
Isn’t writing a slippery 	thing when it comes to truth
But also here is the exact wording of the email i received
It’s easy to have different feelings in a different generation
Someone should have told you that even tho it’s a common ask on grindr

And before i say this i should offer
I believe in righteousness i believe to atone

The magic that happens when you lose control

I should probably be emb my predictive text
Suggests embarrassed like it already knows

I used to believe there’s a god involved
Google isn’t very hellbent
Head over heels or what

Closer on the list when closer
This really happened
You can’t check
A game of obfuscation as much as it is revealing
How to celebrate anything

Suffice it to say i have feelings

I have been
Get a wooden mallet
I used to be
I like drama sometime
I have begun
I’m a bit more put together today
I appreciate your
I should probably
So so so so

We usually do a triathlon
To coffee coffee much more coffee

We can lots of us

But perhaps i don’t even know what

I saw the sky


In a dream, you saw a way to survive, and you were filled with joy.

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