
Lacan’s mirror, lying in pieces

after ‘And Otherness’ by Sun Ra

and we have never been ourselves enough to buy a mirror

never enough to buy a reflected ray
or green smashed bottle on the pavement

meant in the gaze of the Other,
our percussion is the time beyond hurt:

we wear bells ‘round our ankles
and dance over smashed glass,

asking the Other to appear in mirror form:

an orderly Self, a self-serving nurse,
a cure, a prescription:
a diagnosis in dilemma, doctor

there’s an opera behind those eyes and it speaks
of a slap, a choke, a scratch:

a toke to soothe (dis)c(h)ordant tonalities:

bloody feet, bloody feet, licked by a lying bass note,

a foot stool by the shore to watch the Midnight Sun disperse across ripples:
such a saintly circle, destroyed by the mirror

how many wave(form)(s) can (re)new reflection(?)

a trooper, my faction of (re)fraction:
I am calling on prisms to make fractal my visage,
and in fragments I found the electric (re)turn:

Frankensteined by the Othering blade:

I was asleep in the sunshine
while you stayed awake on the darkened half of the planet’s face


In a dream, you saw a way to survive, and you were filled with joy.

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