
immaculate conception

after ‘Maypole’ by Paul Giovanni

yes the tree, fine
yes the limb the branch the nest
the egg the bird the feather
the bed the girl the man the seed
the fertility dance, renounce
heterosexual daydream
crossed ankles stigmata at the wrist
annunciation, and

from seed to boy to man to grave
and back to the tree
from seed to bough to bird to down
sprout out from earthly resting place
the joy the life the death the peace
from seed to girl to man to
feather tree tether the circle
the spiral the cycle
continues, i

dance the maypole
play the jaw harp
jump the fire
lay back on
bed of feathers
in the summerisle wood.


In a dream, you saw a way to survive, and you were filled with joy.

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